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What makes Calli Tea better than regular green tea?

Comes into two sizes: 3-10 pack or 60 pack

And 3 Flavors: Mint, Cinnamon and Regular

A lot of things:
Concentration means more nutrients


Calli Tea is better than other green teas because the leaves within the Calli tea bags are concentrated with added benefits and more natural antioxidants.*

It has the antioxidant power and nutrients of 5 or 6 cups of regular green tea. Plus, each bag can brew up 4 cups!*

  • Enhances mental alertness and increases energy levels*
  • Helps cleanse toxins, impurities, and fat from the body*
  • Improves digestion and helps alleviate constipation by moving food through the intestines*
  • Stimulates fat metabolism and greatly aids in natural weight loss*
  • Supports a healthy pH balance*
  • Contains antioxidants which neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage and premature aging*
  • Is an all-natural replacement for coffee, tea, or other herbal beverages which contain excess caffeine*

Detoxify Why?

To keep your body clean on the inside. You have natural purification systems in the body and Calli Tea nourishes those systems.

While many of the undesirable elements you take into your body are quickly eliminated, others are not.

Camelia Sinesis, the main ingredient in Calli Tea and Fortune Delight, is known to help the body reduce fat and cholesterol and support liver function.*

Dozens of scientific studies show that tea decreases body fat, tumors, and prevents heart disease, and diabetes.*

Naturally-Occurring Antioxidants

Catechins, a group of Polyphenols which are found in several fruits and vegetables, are in Calli Tea and Fortune Delight.

Catechins are associated with delaying the onset of aging, as well as reducing the risk of strokes, heart failure, cancer, and diabetes.

Studies have specifically shown that they also reduce the risk of certain cardiovascular diseases.

Calli is Concentrated

Calli Tea is concentrated with 5 different, beneficial, alkaline based herbs which add benefits and more natural antioxidants. Even though green tea has a lot of health benefits, it also has a couple of negative effects on the body, namely the caffeine and tannic acid that is in the tea which have been reduced to 100th of 1% by Dr. Chen’s exclusive manufacturing process. The added ingredients in Calli Tea actually help boost all of the positive effects of the green tea and in the same time reduce the negative effects


You many not think you are exposing yourself to radiation, however research has shown that it has continued to spread through the entire world for decades, not to mention the radiation you get from your own cell phone.*

Good news! Research has now shown that green tea can provide great protection from radiation.

Based on the Philosophy of Regeneration, Sunrider’s approach to health is to use the right combination of food to nourish and cleanse the body – and to keep the five systems of the body in balance.

The combination of herbs in Fortune Delight is carefully selected to bring regeneration while effectively fighting degeneration of cells and muscle tissue.

Sunrider herbal supplements are safe because they made with food grade herbs, not medicinal herbs.

“I noticed that as I drank Calli tea all day at work, my clarity of thought improved dramatically and over a period of several months, my healthy lifestyle resulted in my adult acne no longer being a problem. My energy also improved.”*

Kathy G. - Colorado

“One of the benefits of my healthy lifestyle and eating Sunrider has been the lowering of my cholesterol level form 412 to 370, and then to 255. My triglycerides have also lowered; they have gone from 605 to 42. After a short time, another notable success was the disappearance of the esophagus reflex, which had plagued me for years and caused me many nights of sleeplessness. I’ve had to sleep on cement blocks under the head of my bed and use 3 pillows to prop up my head. All that has changed. The blocks have been removed and I use only one pillow now. My bowling team mates are amazed at the energy and good attitude I have at the young age of 76.”*

D. West - California

“I had headaches and sinus problems for years. I lived on sinus medication. After 3 months of a healthy lifestyle and drinking NuPlus and Fortune Delight, I have no more! Also, my cholesterol has gone from 240 to 163.”*

M. Keith - Oklahoma

“My blood pressure was quite high from the age of 19 thought most of my adult life. It had accelerated to the point where I was going to the hospital weekly to get it checked. The doctors had recommended surgery and told me I was a walking heart attack. I had decided to seek an alternative route. I did – within a month of beginning a healthy lifestyle and eating the Sunrider foods, my blood pressure dropped to normal, something the doctor had not been able to do for the past 15 years.”*

Smokey K. - California



Calli Night is a totally natural formula carefully produced with a combination of herbs designed to help you get a full night's rest, rather than restlessly mulling over the events of the day and all that you have to do tomorrow.

Calli Night helps people sleep soundly through the night and is so gentle that it can be consumed during the day to relax.

Artificially enhanced sleep with "medicinal" herbs and sleep medications can cause morning drowsiness.

Calli Night does not contain added sugars, artificial sweeteners or chemicals.

Calli Night is made with food grade herbs.

Calli Night does not nourish the body’s natural purification systems, but helps you get a good night sleep or relax when under stress.

“I’ve had trouble falling asleep for years. I was exhausted, but my mind just wouldn’t stop. I would be awake for hours. When I took medication I would be so groggy the next morning, I could hardly think straight. My sleep problems have been over for about 6 months since I began having a cup of Calli Night right before bed. When I drink it, I become relaxed and my mind becomes quiet. When I wake up in the morning, I’m bright and alert."*

Wilma P. - Hawaii

“I love putting the Calli Night in the Calli and Fortune Delight mixture I take to work with me. I notice I can function so much easier under stress and I also find it’s easier to focus. It doesn’t make me the least bit sleepy when I mix it with the other teas – like it does when I drink it right before I go to bed."*

Samantha S. - Oregon

Calli Nutrition Facts

Serv. Size: 1 tea bag (2.5g)

Calories 0

Total Fat 0g (0% DV)

Total Carb 0g

Protein 0g

Calli Ingredients: Camellia Leaf, Perilla Leaf, Mori Bark Extract,Alisma Root Extract, Imperate Root and less than 1% of Natural Flavors.

Recommendation: Steep one Calli Tea Bag in hot water (not boiling or microwaved) for 3-5 minutes.